Sunday, November 13, 2011

Project Month

November is officially (well, unofficially until just now) my Project Month.

There are so many things I want to accomplish and I am feeling like now is just as good of a time as any to get them all (well, some of them anyway) started at least.

So far this month I have done a lot already: I made two crafts from pinterest (both for Henry's birthday), I have begun a "painting" I'm doing for him for his room with a Nancy Tillman quote from the book The Night You were Born, I have rejoined and have been actually following (for the most part) the new Points+ Program on Weight Watchers and today I started Project Organize which is what I came here to write about.

Ryan and I moved into our house last March. You'd think that in the subsequent 8 months that we've lived here that we would have gotten organized and everything would be nicely in it's place.

Well, you'd think wrong.

We've been living together for five years and over the course of those five years we've I've acquired a lot of....well...crap.

I guess you can say that one of the only down sides to being a sentimental person is that i have a tendency to like to keep things that mean something to me. Unfortunately since I am known to get emotional over basically everything this shows up in the form of me hanging onto many objects over the years.

However I've recently realized that my need for an organized and functional home is starting to outweigh my sentimental need to obsessively stuff random treasured objects into drawers. It's just not worth it.

So today I started on the Mud Room - our infamous crap pile. I sorted and tossed and threw out and donated and at the end of the day SO MANY THINGS WERE ORGANIZED! It's amazing how cleaning out one room affects the whole house! I freed up an entire closet and moved all of my scentsy stuff into it and that enabled me to clear off a book case and a table and it just went on and on and on.

So hooray. Project Month is a roaring success so far and I am happy about that!

Now, to get started on my pinterest project!


Corie said...

You should take before and after photos of each accomplishment! I love seeing things like that :)

Rhian said...

That's an awesome idea! I'm totally gonna do that :) thanks Corie!
